Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast

RDA Limestone Coast header

Regional Development Australia is a partnership between three levels of Government, Australian, State/Territory and Local Governments, to enhance the growth and strengthen the regional communities of Australia. It will have a pivotal role in ensuring the long term sustainability of Australia's regions. RDA is delivered through a national network of 55 committees/boards across Asutralia with a network of 8 Boards established as incorporated associations under the Associations Incorporations Act (1985)and represent the integration of four non-metropolitan Area Consultative Committees and thirteen Regional Development Boards.

RDA is based on building partnerships between governments, regional development organisations, the private sector and other key regional stakeholders to provide a strategic and targeted response to issues in each region and to facilitate community leadership and resilience. RDA will work with all stakeholders to develop and strengthen local communities.

To read more about Regional Development Australia click here to visit their website.

To read more about Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast click here to visit their website.

"The Limestone Coast is a dynamic, sustainable region which is well balanced where lifestyle, education and employment opportunities contribute to overall community well being; with diverse industries and businesses competitive in local, national and global markets; and where the environment and natural resources of the region are highly valued."

MISSIONTo ensure the long term sustainability of the Limestone Coast Region and the well-being of its communities, through:-

  • Ongoing engagement with the community and the provision of advice, information and feedback to Governments, policy makers and stakeholders regarding issues and activities that are important to the development and well being of the Limestone Coast Region.
  • Promotion and support of the policies, strategic plans and priorities of the Commonwealth, the State Government and the Local Government bodies that facilitate community economic development outcomes in the region.
  • Provision of services and undertaking projects that facilitate community economic development outcomes in the region that are consistent with the policies, strategic plans and priorities of the Commonwealth, the State Government and the Local Government Bodies.

Limestone Coast Regional Development Australia has produced a regional profile which pulls together statistics from a whole range of industries and sectors within the region to ensure that the region has an up to date community and economic profile.

In most cases the Data for the Limestone Coast can be broken down to each Council area.