Weather Stations

Weather Stations

Weather Stations Networks

In recent years the prevalence of on farm and regionally based weather stations have increased in number.

These include the;

- Landscape Weather Network - click here.

The Landscape Weather Network displaying current and historical weather data from over 80 weather stations across the Landscapes SA SA Murray-Darling Basin, Landscapes SA South East, and Landscapes SA Alinytjara Wilurara Regions and the Lower Murray Water, and Langhorne Creek Grape and Wine Irrigation districts.

- Wildeye Weather Station Network -  click here

- Agbyte Weather Station Network - click on individual links to locations below

Local coverage of our region has been enhanced by the recent addition of a Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar located at Rainbow just over the Victorian Border - click here

All of this addition information is supporting land managers to make more informed decisions around irrigation scheduling, the application of agricultural sprays and fertilisers, harvest and fire weather conditions.

Additional Weather Stations


  • An NBN Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Grant has funded installation of weather stations and automated monitoring equipment to measure the depth of the water table, soil moisture levels, soil salinity levels and environmental conditions at Elephant Lake, Mount Charles and Coomandook
  • The Agriculture Bureau of South Australia through the support of the Australian Government Drought Communities Program and Tatiara District Council funded the installation of weather stations in 2020 at Senior, Brimbago, Western Flat and Pine Hill. These weather stations are co-located with soil moisture probes
  • A weather station was recently installed at Field by the Alpha Group with the support Natural Resources South East


  • The Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan has received funding from the South Australian Regional Growth Fund to establish a weather station at Policemans Point
  • Agbyte has received funding from the National Disaster Resilience Fund to establish weather stations at Taratap, Laffer, McCallum and Archibald
  • Coorong Tatiara LAP has funded a weather station at Coolinong

Please click on the individual locations below to access these weather stations;

·         Policeman Point

·         Taratap

·         Laffer

·         McCallum

·         Archibald